Because life's better with an advocate


Advocacy within reach


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Complete the form below to notify Kreider Hughes Law about your legal inquiry. Please provide a brief description of the circumstances that prompted your visit to our site, and the category of legal services to which your inquiry relates. The firm's general response time is one business day.




Schedule an Initial Consultation

Ready to connect? Click below to access the firm’s calendar and schedule a complimentary initial consultation today.

You can also send an email to, or call (206) 457-2610 to make an appointment.  

When you have good ideas, you need to follow through, and if somebody tells you it’s not your turn, but you’re sure you’re right – then you got to be unbought and unbossed.
— Shirley Chisholm


4500 Ninth Avenue NE, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98105

☎ Contact

M: (206) 457-2610